

 The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal

The Solicitor’s Regulation Authority have powers to discipline members of the profession, with Adjudicators able to administer reprimands, imposition of conditions on employment, compensation and costs for less serious breaches of rules; however more serious breaches are prosecuted before the Solicitor’s Disciplinary Tribunal – where sanctions range from upwards through fines, suspension and being struck off the roll. The costs of investigation of such serious breaches tend to be substantial, and of course the penalty of being “struck off” involves loss of career.

The sad fact is that, generally, solicitors who have been guilty of serious misconduct have no money to pay for representation, and the cause of the misconduct may prevent them continuing to act as solicitors in any event; however, there are cases were specialist advice on preparation for hearing, or representation at hearing are well worth paying for if the funds can be found. – “The lawyer who acts for himself often has a fool for a client”

Nigel Shepherd has represented solicitors at the SDT who have avoided being struck off, when they may realistically have expected to be. There are also counsel experienced in appealing unfair strike-offs.

 The Bar Standard Board Council ….

There are comparatively few instances of discipline being imposed on Barristers-at-Law, and I would not presume to offer assistance – since colleagues at the Bar will be more able and inclined to offer assistance and references pro bono


The General Medical Council (“GMC”) regulates the conduct of DOCTORS. It is absolutely essential to obtain representation by advocates experienced in this tribunal, since medico-legal principles are not within the experience of the general practitioner.  We know several who regularly appear at the GMC and can advise on the most appropriate advocate for a given case, and undertake preparatory work.

The General Dental Council (“GDC”). Similar principles apply – see GMC above


We do NOT represent police officers in internal disciplinary enquiries; several firms have strong links with the Police Federation which will fund representation.


There are regulatory bodies for many other professions, from Architects to

Surveyors and Valuers. We do not profess special expertise in these tribunals.