Confiscation – Useful Links


The Criminal Procedure Rules 2010 Part 56 – Confiscation and proceedings under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 (into force on 05 April 2010 ) available for downloading in Word and PDF formats.

The Criminal Procedure Rules 2010 Part 58 rules applicable only to confiscation proceedings (into force on 05 April 2010) available for downloading in Word and PDF formats.

The Criminal Procedure Rules 2011 Part 59 rules applicable only to confiscation restraint proceedings

The Criminal Procedure Rules 2011 Part 60 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002: rules applicable only to receivership proceedings

The Ministry of Justice website area containing the complete Criminal Procedure Rules, the Consolidated Criminal Practice Direction and Forms is:-

Please note that the Criminal Procedure Rules pages are not updated with amendments until they have actually come into force.  This means that The Criminal Procedure Rules 2011 will not appear on the website until 3rd October, 2011.

The website also contains the current forms for use in the criminal courts.  See:-

What’s New? The regularly updated Ministry of Justice web-page for the Criminal Procedure Rules is:-

The Statutory Instrument, ‘The Criminal Procedure Rules 2011’ can be viewed at:-