NS Reported Cases


R-v- Wright  5th May 2011 CA possession cannabis plants with intent.

R -v- Jonathan Rees 11/2/11 CCC   – acquittal – 27 year old murder trial stopped by defence requests for disclosure

R -v- Wahab [2002] EWCA 1570 26/6/02; Archbold News 16/8/02–S.76 PACE solicitor advice.

R-v- Wood, Mason, McClelland CA 11/2/02 Archbold News:   Police cell “bugging”.

R-v-Edwards CA 11/5/99     Drug Trafficking

R-v-Derodra  CA 24/5/99; Archbold News. S.23 unavailable witness requirements clarified.

R -v- Tomas Honz  [1998] 2 Cr.App.R(S) 283  – importation: sentence 24 years reduced to 16.

R -v- Hickin & others  [1996] CLR 584; Archbold 2011 14-28, 14-40 Street identification

R -v- Buckingham & ors (1994) 99 Cr.App.R 303 S.74 PACE

R -v- Hampton  1992 Disclosure re child witnesses

R -v- Lawson   (1990) 90 Cr App R 107  Disclosure

R -v- Garwood (1987) 85 Cr App R.  85 ; Archbold 2011 21-263Blackmail, meaning of “menaces”

R -v- McDonald (1980) 70 Cr App R.  288  Handling

Scudder –v- Barrett (1979) 69 Cr App R. – attempt, unknown property